Day Fifteen: Power (Sức Mạnh) – Friday of the Second Week of Lent

Day Fifteen: Power

“If you are the Son of God, command that these stones become loaves of bread.” This first temptation our Lord endured was a temptation to misuse His divine power. Of course, the devil was right in that he knew that Jesus could easily turn the rocks into bread with a single command. But Jesus did not come to gratify Himself by misusing His sacred power. He came to sacrifice Himself out of love for the salvation of souls, which is a far superior use of His sacred power.

Each of us is entrusted with responsibility. With responsibility comes a form of power. For example, those entrusted with much money can either misuse their wealth for their selfish indulgence or use it for the glory of God. Others have natural talents, such as in music, art, mechanical know-how, physical agility, etc. Each of us must regularly look at our lives, identify the gifts and talents we have, and determine how to best use them for God’s glory.

What gifts, blessings, or talents do you have? What are you good at? What have you been blessed with that others have not? Jesus’ “gift” was His divinity. And though He could have put the power of His divinity to work at His own service, to gratify His human hunger, He did not. The devil tempted Him to do this and He rejected it.

As you ponder Jesus’ refusal to exercise His divine power in a selfish way, look honestly at how you use what you have. Do you put everything you have, everything you are, every gift and every talent at the service of God and the salvation of souls? Or do you give in to the temptation to use your blessings for self-gratification?

Ponder the power you have been given. Jesus set the example for us that every power of His divine soul was ordered for the singular purpose of the fulfillment of the Father’s will. He endured heat, hunger, thirst, temptation, discomfort, and many forms of hardship willingly and joyfully because doing so fulfilled the Father’s will. Look at your life and determine whether or not you imitate the sacrificial example of our Lord. Devote every power of your soul to the only thing worth living for: the will of God.

My all-powerful Lord, You could have turned stones into bread to satiate Your hunger, but You chose to use Your divine power for the sole purpose of fulfilling Your Father’s will. Please help me to always remember that every gift I have, every power, every responsibility, must be focused solely upon giving glory to our Father in Heaven by fulfilling His divine will. I choose Your will again this day, dear Lord, and pray that I will never misuse my life for selfish reasons. Jesus, I trust in You.
